Hydroseeding is one of the methods used to sow turf or flower lawn safely and quickly, even in difficult situations. It is an innovative method that offers numerous benefits for both the professional and the environment, offering a solution to the desire for a grassy space but with low environmental inputs.
More specifically, it is a technique that involves the use of a specialized piece of equipment, known as a hydroseeder, to distribute seed over the soil. Unlike traditional sowing methods, which require the use of machines or manual seeding, hydroseeding uses an aqueous mixture containing seeds, tackifier, mulch, dyes and other nutrients necessary for plant growth.
The hydroseeder is equipped with a tank to mix the materials, a mixing system to keep the ingredients in suspension, a water system and a pump to distribute the product with constant pressure. The hydroseeding process begins with the preparation of the mixture of seed, water, water retentive, powdered soil improver and tackifier.
This mixture is loaded into the hydroseeder, which uses water pressure to transport the seeds through a system of pipes and nozzles. The seeds are projected onto the soil where, thanks to mulch and tackifier, they will be firmly anchored until they germinate.
This cultivation technique allows large areas of soil to be sown quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and effort required compared to traditional methods. Hydroseeding allows all the necessary materials to be distributed in a single pass, ensuring a more successful planting of sustainable lawns and groundcovers such as flower meadows. In addition, thanks to the precision of the hydroseeder, seeds are distributed evenly, ensuring optimal seeding density and homogeneous ground cover.
Hydroseeding brings additional benefits, in particular it is a technique that helps preserve soil structure and prevent nutrient loss as it helps reduce soil erosion through the action of distributed seeds.
The hydroseeding products that you can find in our shop include everything you need to be able to carry out this activity successfully:
● Hydroseeding machine with tanker of the size suitable for the job;
● seed mixture, often based on grass and legume essences. The composition can be customized according to the objective to be achieved and climatic conditions;
● tackifier to reduce runoff and seed movement. This product promotes regularity of grass cover and limits predation of seed by birds and insects;
● biodegradable mulch, made from cellulose, straw or wood, which decomposes once turfgrass is established. It helps create the best microclimate for perfect seed germination and stabilizes surfaces against soil erosion by water and wind;
● well-performing water retainer that keeps the area near the seed of the right moisture for germination;
● soil conditioner, preferably of plant origin, which improves the physicochemical and biological fertility of the soil and stimulates the growth and establishment of plant cover;
● fertilizer, to ensure the right starter effect for the chosen seed;
● dye, perfect for improving application uniformity and avoiding overlapping or no-till zones.
At Unmaco, we believe that hydroseeding is a promising solution to ensure the greening of not only steeply sloping areas but also for ornamental lawns, sports turf, parking lots, green roofs, abandoned industrial areas, and in general to be restored.
By relying on Unmaco, you can count on a team of experts to provide you with all the tools you need to choose the right hydroseeding mixture for you. Our sustainability-oriented approach and constant pursuit of innovation in the green sector distinguish us as a reliable and competent partner for all seeding needs.